[趣聞] 沒了動力服就不是 Iron Man 了嗎?


昨日一個熱愛電影《鐵甲奇俠》的 18 個月大的小孩,見到在電影中飾演 Tony Stark 的羅拔·唐尼後,反而傷心痛哭。




事緣羅拔·唐尼在英國桑德蘭拍攝新片《The Judge》期間,小孩的父母以為可以讓小孩見到 Iron Man 而歡喜一下,便帶他去找羅拔·唐尼。怎知道,小孩認不出眼前沒穿動力服的羅拔·唐尼就是 Iron Man,感到大為失望,所以反而哭起來。

補充:羅拔·唐尼在被劇組催促的情況下,仍然選擇留下來和他聊天,小孩一聽到羅拔·唐尼的聲音後,慢慢停止哭泣,並破涕為笑,最後他和小孩拍照留念。羅拔·唐尼對粉絲的良好態度真的不得不令人讚賞。(更新於 14/6/2013 22:15)

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4 Responses

  1. Huge fan of Robert Downey Jr.表示:

    But then Robert stayed with the little boy until he stopped crying and smile even though the crew kept asking Robert to get back on set, he stayed with the boy and took a photo together with the boy smiling.
    He loves his fans and he meets and greets them during breaks on set.

  2. Huge fan of Robert Downey Jr.表示:

    But then Robert stayed with the little boy until he stopped crying and smile even though the crew kept asking Robert to get back on set, he stayed with the boy and took a photo together with the boy smiling.
    He loves his fans and he meets and greets them during breaks on set.


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