[教學] 如何解決 Battlefield 3 的 DirectX 錯誤?
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最近筆者跟 Henry Yeung 遊玩早前限時免費的 Battlefield 3 遇上了 DirectX 錯誤,在網上尋找解決方法卻遍尋不獲,只好自己嘗試各種方法。
是次的解決與 Unturned 2 自動存檔的解決方法(請參見 [教學]Steam 生存遊戲 Unturned 2 如何自動存檔? )一樣,都是透過「更改非 Unicode 程式的語言」來解決錯誤。
這個 Battlefield 3 DirectX 錯誤通常會在使用 Battlelog 選擇伺服器後發生,錯誤信息如下:
DirectX Error
DirectX function “m_dxgiFactory->CreateSwapChain( m_device, &sd, &m_swapChain.assignGet())” failed with DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: The application has made an erroneous API call that it had enough information to avoid. This error is intended to denote that the application should be altered to avoid the error. Use of the debug version of the DXGI.DLL will provide run-time debug output with further information.. GPU: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti”, Driver: 34788
(以 Windows 8.1 為例,與其他 Windows 版本的設定方法大同小異)
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